PCF Biennial Symposium 2023 Legacies of Care, Failures, Emerging Solidarities

03 December 2023


The Prince Claus Fund Biennial Symposium 2023 in Sri Lanka, "Legacies of Care, Failures, Emerging Solidarities" featured seven panels, each consisting of keynote speeches and sessions led by numerous renowned local and international cultural practitioners.

Watch the full recordings

Full programme

09:00 – 09:40 Registration and Coffee

9:40 – 10:00 Welcome

  • Welcome words by Prince Claus Fund director Marcus Desando

  • Sketching the day by the Symposium's artistic director Keng Sen Ong

10:00 – 10:40 Liveable Societies – Climate, Water, Air, and Us

10:40 – 11:20 The Human-made – Different Kinships, Memorialisation, Food Politics

11:20 – 11:40 Coffee Break

11:40 –  12:20 Documenting and Empowering the Context 

12:20 – 13:00 Failures and Futurities

14:30 – 15:10 South Asian Contemporary Experiments in Solidarity

  • Curating as Making Queer Kin in Karachi and Elsewheres by Aziz Sohail (Pakistan/Australia)

  • Counter Worldmaking in the Cold War Era and Contemporary Hyperlocality: Friendship, Intimacy, and Play by Sandev Handy (Sri Lanka)

  • Stitching Together the Translocal, and the Burdens of Solidarity by Sheelasha Rajbhandari (Nepal)

15:10 – 15:45 The Human Being amidst Planetary Deterioration

15:45 – 16:05 Coffee Break

16:05 – 16:50 International Potentialities: Parallel Activations and New Alliances, for Repair

16:50 – 17:00 Concluding Remarks & Thank You

17:00 – 19:00 Reception at Monsoon Colombo


Image by Diluckshan Puviraj
Image by Diluckshan Puviraj
Image by Diluckshan Puviraj
Image by Diluckshan Puviraj
Image by Diluckshan Puviraj
Image by Diluckshan Puviraj
Image by Diluckshan Puviraj
Image by Diluckshan Puviraj
Image by Diluckshan Puviraj
Image by Diluckshan Puviraj
Image by Diluckshan Puviraj
Image by Diluckshan Puviraj

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