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Support artists where culture is under pressure. Join our community of changemakers – from big to small – every donation can make a change.

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Thank you for your interest in supporting us.

Your support enables cultural practitioners to create lasting change where it's needed most — together, we can amplify the power of culture to transform lives.

Prefer to donate directly? Any single donation, large or small, makes a difference. We welcome any contribution via the following bank details / Direct doneren? Eenmalige donaties, groot of klein, zijn bijzonder welkom op rekeningnummer, t.n.v.: 

Stichting Prins Claus Fonds voor Cultuur en Ontwikkeling 
NL 75 ABNA 0240 3574 50 

Please include your contact details and nature of the transfer as donation in the comments. / Vermeld je contactgegevens en de aard van de overdracht als donatie in de opmerkingen.