Privacy statement

In carrying out its work as a not-for-profit foundation, the Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development (the “Prince Claus Fund”) may in some cases use personal data. In conformity with The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) which establishes the European regulations concerning the use and processing of personal information, we take the utmost care to protect your privacy.

Who is the Prince Claus Fund?

The Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development is the (English) trade name of Stichting Prins Claus Fonds voor Cultuur en Ontwikkeling. We are located at the Kingsfordweg 151,1043 GR in Amsterdam and we are registered in the Chamber of Commerce under the trade number 41159889. The Prince Claus Fund is the controller (as referred to in Article 4(7) of the GDPR) of your personal data provided to us when you visit our website

What data does the Prince Claus Fund process?

The Prince Claus Fund may process the following personal data:

•        Name, email address, phone number, gender;

•        Log data such as IP-address of your device, and push-notification tokens of your device, browser type and date and time of the requests made when you visit our website;

•        Company name;

•        Bank account details or payment information;

•        Communication preferences;

•        Context of the message sent.

What purposes does the Prince Claus Fund process your personal data for?

We can use your personal data:

• To provide you with the newsletter and other customer service communications;

• To improve our services;

• For handling complaints and disputes;

• To comply with applicable legislation.

For the processing of your personal data for the aforementioned purposes by the Prince Claus Fund the following legal grounds apply:

On what legal grounds does the Prins Claus Fund process your personal data?

• For the newsletter and any direct marketing e-mails or other direct marketing communication: your consent;

• When you participate or register for our programmes, activities, initiatives and events: the performance of a contract;

• For the development and improvement of our services: legitimate interest.

Who receives your personal data?

Employees, including interns and volunteers, of the Prince Claus Fund have access to your personal data to the extent necessary for the performance of their work at the Prince Claus Fund. Employees of the Prince Claus Fund who have access to the data, handle it confidentially in accordance with the principles of the Prince Claus Fund and the GDPR.

Transfer to third parties

The Prince Claus Fund adheres to the highest standards of ethical practices in all our operations and is dedicated to protecting the privacy of all our contacts.

We may disclose your personal data to third parties if this is necessary for the above mentioned purposes. We only disclose your personal data to third parties that have committed themselves to comply with applicable privacy laws and that, if provided by law, we have entered into a data processing agreement with.

Also, we work with parties that provide analytics services (Google Analytics) and help us to improve our services. Finally, we will disclose your personal data if we are obliged to do so by law or a legal judgement, e.g. to the tax authority.

The Prince Claus Fund may transfer personal data to the authorities or judicial authorities on the basis of a legal obligation.

Social media networking

Links on the Prince Claus Fund website can redirect viewers to our partners’ websites and various social media networks. If a user clicks through to another site or social media network, the network may place its own cookies and gather data. In this case their own privacy policy applies.

How we use Cookies

Like many websites, we use “cookies,” which are small text files that are stored on your computer or equipment when you visit us that records your preferences. We use cookies to track use of our websites and online services. We may also use cookies to monitor traffic, improve the websites, and make it easier and/or relevant for your use. Our website is functional without the retention of cookies. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Please see here for more information on cookies:

In order to make the website more user-friendly, the Prince Claus Fund uses Google Analytics, a web service provided by Google Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to help the website analyse how visitors use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google, which is a member of the Safe Harbour principles. Any user can refuse the use of cookies by indicating this in the settings of their browser:

Cookies from social media networks are also used, as mentioned above, to enable social media integration on the Prince Claus Fund website.

How long does the Prince Claus Fund keep your data?

The Prince Claus Fund does not store your personal data longer than legally permitted, legally required and/or necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed. How long certain personal data is stored by the Prince Claus Fund therefore depends on the nature of the data and the purposes for which it is processes.


The Prince Claus Fund takes appropriate and reasonable security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, modifications, disclosure, loss or improper use, and to protect the accuracy and integrity of your personal data.

Access, correction and amendment of data

We will use reasonable efforts to securely process all personal data in line with your rights specified under the GDPR, in particular those related to the following requests:

• Access to your personal data;

• Correction of your personal data that we hold;

• Right to data erasure if your personal data are not relevant for the purpose for which they were collected, if you withdrew your consent, if you object to a processing of your personal data based on a legitimate interest or if the processing of your personal data is unlawful;

• A restriction of processing of your personal data;

• Transfer of your personal data to another party;

• You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data that is based on our legitimate interest. We will then carry out a new assessment to determine whether your personal data may no longer be used.

In addition, you can also:

• Always withdraw you permission if given: for example to receive the newsletter

• Submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP): for example when you think the Prince Claus Fund is not acting according the GDPR.

How to contact the Prince Claus Fund?

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the way the Prince Claus Fund processes your personal data or if you want to exercise any of the above rights, please contact Prince Claus Fund by contacting us at or +31203449160.

Amendment Privacy Statement

We may change our privacy statement from time to time. This may happen, for example, if there are new data processing operations or in connection with changes in regulations or technological developments. We will inform you of any substantial changes to this privacy statement. If necessary, we will ask your permission for changed or new processing. In the event of changes of a minor nature, we will amend the privacy statement without further notice.