National Postcode Lottery —

making a difference together

The support of the National Postcode Lottery for the past 24 years has been essential for the successful continuation of our work, and we are excited to have the longstanding partnership exist to this day.

Image: Sahel Opera by Marie-Noelle Robert.

For us, it is a statement of trust and assurance that the Prince Claus Fund can continue making a significant contribution in supporting cultural expression under pressure by supporting creative individuals, artists and human rights defenders who have a positive impact on their communities around the world.

Our mission at the National Postcode Lottery is to provide resources needed for organizations to create a fair, greener, and healthier world. We are pleased to support the Prince Claus Fund, because it aligns well with our mission. Through its efforts, the Fund amplifies the voices of those challenging dominant systems and fosters an international community of changemakers who are essential for creating a more equitable and sustainable future.

— National Postcode Lottery

Supported projects

Some inspiring projects that were made possible with the support from the National Postcode Lottery include the Amplifying Creative Voices, a project that supported cultural and artistic initiatives that offer different perspectives on society; Cultural Defiance Fund, which supported artists in conflict situations; the Sahel Opera, an opera production from the Sahel region; and the Cultural Emergency Response programme, which is now its very own independent entity that protects heritage under threat.

Sahel Opera by Marie-Noelle Robert
Amplifying Creative Voices, image by Amira Al-Sharif

About the National Postcode Lottery

The National Postcode Lottery was founded in 1989 to support charities that work towards a just, healthy and green world. The lottery raises funds for its charities and publicizes their work.

For the Postcode Lottery, your postal code is your lottery number, so you win together with all your neighbors who share that code. Three million people take part in the lottery. Each month, participants have a chance to win hundreds of thousands of prizes and support 148 charitable organizations with at least 40 percent of the lottery prize. Since the establishment of the Postcode Lottery, more than 7.3 billion euros have been donated to people and nature. The Prince Claus Fund and many other organizations receive support every year.

The Postcode Lottery and the VriendenLoterij (Friends Lottery) form the National Charity Lotteries Holding.

These lotteries are considered a Dutch tradition and are included in UNESCO's Inventory of Intangible Heritage list. The Postcode Lottery format is also active in Great Britain, Sweden, Germany and Norway. The Charity Lotteries together with the lotteries in these countries are the third largest private lender to charities in the world.

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