
SEED Award

Encouraging 100 emerging artists by nurturing their personal and artistic development, amplifying the talent of a new generation of global changemakers.

SEED Award

The Seed Award recognises 100 emerging talents and offers support to creative work that engages with urgent socio-political issues within their local context. Recipients receive €5.000 to freely invest in their practice, alongside global recognition, connections, and opportunities.

The Seed Award is partially made possible by British Council and Ing Yoe Tan Fund.


We welcome applications from individuals who are within the initial 1 to 5 years of their professional career, whose practice addresses pressing social and political issues that are important within their local context, and who have received little to no institutional recognition and support for their artistic practices.

Eligible applicants must be from, live, and work in our eligible countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and Eastern Europe.


2024 SEED Award public announcement

September 2024

2025 SEED Award call for applications

December 2024


Can I receive individual feedback on my application?

Due to the number of applications received we are not able to provide personalised feedback to all applicants. The Prince Claus Fund will provide all non-successful applicants with a general report on the common mistakes we received overall in the applications and will share the major points for improving applications in the future.

Can I see what the application form looks like before submitting an application?

Yes. You can create an account/log-in into our Prince Claus Awards Platform and see the application form and its steps before filling it out and submitting your application. Once you begin filling out the form, you can save it at any point and return to complete it later if this is before the deadline.

What artistic and cultural practices does the Seed Award support?

We hold a very broad disciplinary understanding of arts and culture and encourage you to apply with a practice is embedded in the field of art and culture. We are always open to applications from experimental, innovative and inter-disciplinary art practices. 

We do not support practices that are embedded in the academic or development field such as academic scholarships or academic research. 

Am I eligible to apply again if I have already received a Seed Award?

No. The Seed Award is awarded on a one-time only basis; successful award recipients are not eligible to apply again to the Prince Claus Awards. You are, however, encouraged to apply for the Prince Claus Fund Fellows Award.

Am I eligible to apply again if I have applied in the past and did not receive the Seed Award?

Yes, you are welcome to apply again this year if your application has not been successful the previous time.

What should I include in a pitch?

A pitch is a presentation where you introduce yourself, your work, and most importantly, you answer to the question: What drives you as an artist/cultural practitioner? We ask you to present your pitch in the format of a video or audio media of maximum 3 minutes long. We encourage you to be creative – this is our chance to get to know you a bit better, especially beyond the format of the application form. 

What is a reference letter and who should this letter be from?

A reference letter is a letter which is written by a person or on behalf of an organisation that knows your work and/or has worked with you in the past and can recommend your work. The letter should explain how the referee knows your work and why they recommend you for the SEED or FELLOWS Award. The reference letter should be signed and contain the contact details of the person referring you. It does not have to be longer than a page. 

How do I know if my application has been received?

You will receive an email confirmation within 10 minutes after submitting your application. If you have not received a confirmation, please make sure that the application is completed and that it was submitted. Additionally, you can check the status of your application on the Prince Claus Awards Platform under ‘My Submissions’. A completed application should read ‘submitted’ rather than ‘in progress’.

What are supporting materials?

Supporting materials refer to any information about you and/or your work that have not been shared within the application form but are still important to be considered during the assessment phase. These could include samples of your previous or current work (images, videos, texts, etc.), a portfolio, reviews, interviews, extra references, or any links to social media that you would like to share. 

The country that I (temporarily) live and work in is not listed on the eligible countries list. Can I still apply?

No. To be eligible, an individual must come from and be living and working in one of our eligible countries at the time of the submission of your application.

We understand that there is a dire need for support in many places in the world. The Seed Awards are financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the framework of contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals, for which the focus is on OECD’s DAC listed countries. The OECD’s DAC stands for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Development Assistance Committee. Due to the provenance of our funding, Prince Claus is limited to grant Seed Awards only in OECD’s DAC listed countries.

The country that I am from is not listed on the eligible countries list. Can I still apply?

No. To be eligible, an individual must come from and be living and working in one of our eligible countries at the time of the submission of your application.

We understand that there is a dire need for support in many places in the world. The Seed Awards are financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the framework of contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals, for which the focus is on OECD’s DAC listed countries. The OECD’s DAC stands for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Development Assistance Committee. Due to the provenance of our funding, Prince Claus is limited to grant Seed Awards only in OECD’s DAC listed countries.