Mestre Nego Ray




Mestre Nego Ray is a musician, prominent figure in the Pará carimbó culture, and participant in the event "Art for Climate Justice".


Raimundo Piedade Silva, known as Mestre Nego Ray, has been a key figure in preserving and promoting carimbó culture in Pará, Brazil. For the past 28 years, he has led the Coisas de Negro Cultural Space, and for 20 years, he has been at the forefront of one of the most prominent carimbó circles in the state. A skilled instrument maker and musician, Mestre Nego Ray has dedicated his life to sharing the rich traditions of carimbó.

His journey with carimbó began in childhood when he frequented the "zimbas," the early carimbó circles in Vila Sorriso, Icoaraci (Belém, PA). From a young age, he developed a passion for the drums and immersed himself in the rhythms and stories of this popular cultural expression. As a self-taught artisan, he began crafting traditional drums as a teenager, contributing to the boizinhos, the cultural festivities of Icoaraci.

Although his artistic journey initially began in theater with the Bambaré group, it was percussion that truly captivated him. This passion led him to participate in various groups and bands until he eventually established his own cultural space, where he continues to develop and share his art and music with the community.