Papilo Gualinga




Fredy Papilo Gualinga is an environmental activist, indigenous community leader and participant in the event "Art for Climate Justice".


Fredy Papilo Gualinga comes from a lineage of traditional plant healers and environmental activists.  Both of his parents are descendent from families of shaman (a practice that takes decades of perfection) and his father started Ecuador’s first indigenous-led eco-lodge which continues to bring economic and environmental sustainability to the Sani community.  

Fredy played a central role in creating the Mandari Panga Eco-Lodge in the upper Amazon of Ecuador.  The project is a global role model for indigenous-led sustainable economy structures.  

He is one of the world’s most sought-after guides and has facilitated class trips for major universities and the world’s leading environmental journalists. He also leads community and environmental initiatives with the international NGO, Mossy Earth.