The Institute for the History of Nicaragua and Central America (IHNCA)




The Institute for the History of Nicaragua and Central America (IHNCA) re-examines history through their research.

Reexamining history
Artistic Research
Archive - Prince Claus Laureate 2009


The Institute for the History of Nicaragua and Central America (IHNCA) is a historical research institute based in Nicaragua. Established to explore and disseminate the rich history of Nicaragua and the broader Central American region, IHNCA operates from the University of Central America in Managua. The institute's practice encompasses archival preservation, sociocultural research, and public history, focusing on themes such as regional identity, political developments, and social change.IHNCA's significant projects include the preservation of historical documents and their transformation into accessible digital formats, facilitating a broader understanding of Central America's past. Their work has been showcased in various international forums, highlighting the institute's impact on preserving cultural heritage and influencing contemporary historical scholarship. Through exhibitions, publications, and digital archives, IHNCA not only safeguards history but also fosters an informed dialogue about Central America's future.