Leave your

Shape your legacy for the future — support cultural changemakers creating better tomorrows for generations to come.

Join us

What culture is for you? For us — it's the dynamic force that empowers communities, celebrates diversity, and fosters a shared sense of belonging by supporting artists and cultural practitioners worldwide.

If that speaks to you and you have been thinking of how you can leave a mark, the Prince Claus Fund allows you to create a lasting legacy that reflects your commitment to supporting culture that creates equitable, sustainable, peaceful and inclusive future. A legacy extends beyond your lifetime by positively impacting future generations of artists and cultural practitioners worldwide.

Ing Yoe Tan

Ing Yoe Tan was a parliamentarian and women’s rights activist, who believed passionately in the importance of culture and the need for diversity. She set aside a substantial sum in her will for a special name fund to support the Prince Claus Fund artists. After she passed away in 2020, her legacy, the Ing Yoe Tan Fund,  began supporting young and emerging artists for the next 10 years through the Prince Claus Seed Awards. 

Discover the ways you could consider supporting the Prince Claus Fund

Possession bequest 

With a bequest, you appoint us as a beneficiary of your will. You would then leave (part of) your estate to the Fund. A bequest can consist of all personal property that is not land.  


You can also include a legacy to the Fund in your will. A legacy means that the Fund has the right to a certain amount of money or item of property from your estate, including land properties. 

Designated fund 

If you wish to support a specific PCF objective – for example, a certain project or one or more Awardees – you can also include your bequest or legacy in a designated fund in your will. You decide the name of the fund and the objective towards which PCF can spend the bequeathed capital. A minimum amount of € 50,000, or 5 x € 10,000, is required to establish a designated fund. You will be personally involved in the progress and expenditure of your fund. 

Assets on loan and right of usufruct

In this case, PCF receives a return on your or your heirs’ assets for a specific amount of time. 

Get in touch

Leaving a legacy is a very personal choice. We would be glad to help you consider what the best option for you might be. 

It is more than just a financial decision and we are here to guide you through the process, helping you to create a legacy that reflects your values, passions, and aspirations for the future. Contact us or fill out the form below.

What will my donation be used for?

Your contribution will make an impact on global themes, delivered through the transformative power of culture.

See the wide range of themes that we support here!

Can I gift the Fund from outside of the Netherlands?

Are you based in Europe? Then you can make a donation via an IBAN transfer to:

Stichting Prins Claus Fonds
RSIN: 805495125
KvK: 41159889
IBAN: NL 75 ABNA 0240 3574 50

If you're based in the United States, you may claim the maximum tax benefits allowed by U.S. tax law. Please contact us at fundraising@princeclausfund.nl for further information.

We are currently working hard to make international donations possible from all other countries.  

Interested in donating from another region? Contact us at fundraising@princeclausfund.nl to discuss how we can make this possible! 

What is the CBF seal of approval?

The CBF (Dutch Charities Regulator) grants a seal of approval to organizations that meet strict quality standards. This recognition signifies that the charity adheres to high standards of accountability and effectiveness. While requirements vary between larger and smaller organizations, about 80 percent of private donations are made to charities under CBF supervision. Donating to a CBF-approved charity ensures that your contributions are used responsibly, the organization is transparent, and it undergoes independent evaluations.

What is your donation acceptance policy?

All donations are received by our Fundraising Department and assessed according to our Ethical Donation Policy. Each donation undergoes an investigation, including donor background and donation history, with more extensive checks for larger donations. 

Criteria for Acceptance of Donations: Donations must align with our mission, values, and legal standards. Legal counsel may be consulted for certain types of gifts. Donations that conflict with our mission, pose reputational risks, or have legal or ethical concerns which jeopardise the independence of the Fund may be rejected.  

Handling of Donations: Donations are carefully documented and used to support our activities. Transparent communication about received donations and their impact is a priority. Reasons for refusal are communicated clearly to donors when appropriate. 

Roles of Supervisory Board and Executive Director: The Supervisory Board oversees and approves this policy, with any revisions approved by the Director. The Executive Director ensures the policy's implementation and effective management of donations. 

Final Provisions: This policy is effective upon approval by the Board of Directors. The Fund reserves the right to revise the policy with Board approval. Our policy is drafted in accordance with laws, emphasizing transparency, integrity, and accountability.