Ernest Wamba-dia-Wamba (1942-2020) was a philosopher and political theorist based in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Renowned for his contributions to African philosophy and his active role in Congolese politics, his work focused on exploring African democracy, community-based decision-making, and the ethics of liberation movements. He gained recognition for his involvement in the Congolese peace process, emphasizing the need for democratic dialogue.As an academic, Wamba-dia-Wamba was as a professor at various universities and was a visiting professor at Harvard University. In 1992, he became president of the Senegal-based Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). Some of his publications include "DRC: Globalisation, War and the Struggle for Freedom" in "African Voices on Development and Social Justice Editorials from Pambazuka News" (2005), and his article "In Search of a New Mode of Politics in Africa" in "Development in an African Perspective" (1994).