


South Africa

Chimurenga engages with art, culture, and politics across Africa and its diaspora.

Free expression / Civil society
Visual Art
Cultural heritage
Archive - Prince Claus Laureate 2011


Chimurenga is a cultural platform based in South Africa. It engages with art, culture, and politics across Africa and its diaspora. Established by Ntone Edjabe in 2002, Chimurenga has evolved from a project-based provocative publication to a broad-spectrum cultural encyclopedia. This platform is renowned for its Pan-African focus, exploring themes of colonial history, liberation struggles, and the complex identities shaping Africa today.Through publications like "The Chimurenga Chronic", a Pan-African gazette, and "The Pan African Space Station", an internet radio program, Chimurenga offers critical commentary and innovative artistic expressions. Its most acclaimed project, "African Cities Reader", a biennial publication, delves into urbanism and the socio-political dynamics within African cities. Exhibited widely, including at the documenta 14 and the Venice Biennale, Chimurenga continues to influence cultural discourses globally.