



Yuri Moreno is a multi-instrumentalist musician and participant in the event "Art for Climate Justice".


Yuri Moreno is a multi-instrumentalist musician and a graduate in Psychology, recognized for his contributions to cultural and musical communities. He is the visionary creator and organizer of the Cabanos & Chalé do Moreno Cultural Space, and the driving force behind the Boi Ajuara and Karimbloco parades, which celebrate local traditions and rhythms. As a composer, Moreno has performed at numerous regional, national, and international festivals, captivating audiences with his talent and creativity.

Moreno is also a co-founder of the Batucada Misteriosa and Buiu Mãos de Veludo groups, further demonstrating his dedication to expanding the boundaries of Brazilian music. He plays a vital role in the Carimbó de Icoaraci group, and is a proud member of Coisas de Negro, a project that highlights the rich cultural heritage of Afro-Brazilian music and traditions. Through his work, Master Yuri Moreno continues to shape the cultural landscape, both in Brazil and beyond.