Os Quentes da Madrugada




Os Quentes da Madrugada is a legendary carimbó group and participant in the event "Art for Climate Justice".


Os Quentes da Madrugada is a legendary carimbó group that has been instrumental in preserving the rich cultural heritage of Santarém Novo. The group is deeply rooted in the traditional carimbó festivals of the Brotherhood of São Benedito. Their music is distinguished by its exclusive use of handmade percussion instruments, including curimbós (drums made from tree trunks), maracas, and the bamboo reco-reco, setting them apart from other carimbó ensembles in the region.

Their unique sound and dedication to tradition played a significant role in the campaign to have carimbó recognized as a Brazilian intangible cultural heritage. Touring throughout Brazil, Os Quentes da Madrugada showcased the distinctive carimbó of Santarém Novo, a tradition intertwined with the local devotion to São Benedito, reflecting a deep connection to the region's African and indigenous roots.