Master Nazaré do Ó




Master Nazaré do Ó is a celebrated cultural figure and participant in the event "Art for Climate Justice".


Master Nazaré do Ó was born in 1953 in Soure, Pará, and raised in Belém, she is a celebrated cultural figure deeply rooted in the rich traditions of her indigenous and French heritage. While studying at university, Nazaré delved further into regional music, particularly xote and carimbó. She founded the musical group Águia Negra and later the Parafolkloric Group Vaiangá, achieving national recognition by winning the 1º Canto das Águas do Mel Festival in 1986 with the song "O Ver-O-Peso."

Throughout her career, Nazaré recorded an LP titled Saudades da Minha Terra (1993) and spearheaded numerous cultural projects integrating music, dance, and theater, such as Rodas de Carimbó in Belém (2000). Her contributions earned her honors from the Association of Business Women and the Belém City Council, among others. Recognized as a Carimbó Master by the Ministry of Culture in Brasília, she remains a vital voice in popular culture. Nazaré has been featured in documentaries, participated in international festivals and seminars, and, in 2022, was named Mestra Gardiã by IOV Brasil for her dedication to folklore and the arts. Most recently, in 2023, she took part in the 50th International Folklore Festival in Nova Petrópolis, further cementing her legacy as a guardian of Brazil's cultural heritage.